
Guinness World Record Machine: Rimac Nevera sets 23 world records in a single day

The electric supercar Rimac Nevera has managed to establish no less than 23 different records in a single day. All these records were set on a test track in Germany.

The new Rimac Nevera proves to be one of the fastest production models ever produced. The supercar from the Croatian manufacturer is powered by 4 electric motors, which together produce 1900 horsepower. At the end of last year, the model set the official record for the highest speed reached by a production electric car, as the Nevera managed to reach 412 km/h.

Now, however, the Nevera has been unleashed on a special test track in Germany with the aim of setting new records. For this purpose, Rimac has prepared a black-painted model with green accents and equipped it with Michelin Cup 2 R tires, and representatives from RaceLogic and Dewesoft companies have participated in the event to officially measure the car’s performances.

The Rimac Nevera managed to set no less than 23 world records. All in the same day. Among the records set by the Nevera, we can mention the following: the fastest acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h, achieved in 1.81 seconds; the fastest acceleration from 0 to 200 km/h, achieved in 4.42 seconds; the shortest braking distance from 100 to 0 km/h (29.12 meters).

Additionally, Rimac Nevera set a record for the fastest production electric car on the quarter-mile, completed in 8.25 seconds, as well as a record for acceleration and braking from 0 to 100 and back to 0 km/h, all in just 3.99 seconds.


    In the end, Rimac Nevera has officially become the fastest production car to accelerate from 0 to 400 km/h. This feat is accomplished in 21.31 seconds. Additionally, the electric supercar takes a total of 29.93 seconds to reach 400 km/h and return to 0 km/h, which represents another record!

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